HXIP 03: Ecosystem Grants Proposal - ProofofHxro, Bounties and Dapp Builder Programs

The Basics

Allocate 5,000,000 HXRO to be granted as esHXRO to launch a Hxro Network Grant Program.


After extensive testing by contributing developers, both Hxro derivatives and v2 of the Hxro Parimutuel Protocol went live on Solana mainnet the last quarter of 2022. Now that a strong technical foundation is established, the network has turned its focus to scaling. A key component of Hxro’s growth will be driven by the virality of its developer community and, subsequently, the end-users of Hxro-powered applications. Increasing community contributions to the network from a wide array of participants is a critical step towards further decentralizing, growing, and securing the network.

We believe a key component of stimulating and properly incentivizing ecosystem participation is to implement a network grants program. Widespread engagement is imperitive for improving core protocols, building new and innovative Hxro-powered applications, and attracting new participants to the network. Therefore, the proposed Hxro Grant Program will compensate community members for their efforts in improving core protocols, developing new interfaces, creating developer resources, and enhancing the overall security and quality of the network.


As a distributed liquidity layer for derivatives trading and bettingapplications, the success of Hxro Network is contingent on the health and growth of its developer community. This includes the development of a variety of user-facing applications powered by core Hxro protocols, ongoing end-user activity on said applications, as well as the feedback and testing provided by community members.

Knowing the important role that the Hxro builder community plays, core contributors want to activate and further incentivize a broad audience of developers to engage with, improve upon, and compose with both Hxro protocolsl. Financial incentives for early participation in DeFi protocols is a common practice that increases the urgency and desire with which new and existing community members contribute to the ecosystem.

Most importantly, all aforementioned activities feed into the underlying mechanics of network growth and value accrual. In aggregate, these community efforts will result in a number of new tokenholders, increased network volume, innovative applications (open-source “common goods”), and, subsequently, introducing more participants to the network. Again, this is a critical component of achieving the network’s long-term success and overarching goal of progressive decentralization.


The proposed Hxro Grant program is made up of three pillars:

#ProofOfHxro” grants:

  • Main Goals:
    • Incentivize Initiatives: To incentivize regular developers to go through the docs, then develop cool open source shit that can give them the possibility of earning for learning and building
    • Developer Onboarding: This will give us more visibility, leading to more devs coming on board. This initiative will cause a chain reaction of #ProofOfHxro tweets, which gets our name out there to more Developer Communities
  • Allocation % (of total grant budget): 25%
  • Target: Low-to-Mid level Devs
  • Concept: Developers can receive grants in esHXRO for any of their apps that integrate with Hxro Network.
  • Submission: Devs would make their submissions through twitter posts by posting:
    • Small Description
    • Live Demo/Video Demo
    • Github repo link (must be Open Source)
    • Tag the HxroNetwork account + put #ProofOfHxro on the tweet
    • Their solana wallet address

Bounty program:

  • Main Goal:
    • Reward contributions to the Hxro Network: Community members are rewarded for bringing value to the network through activities that help the network grow.
  • Allocation % (of total grant budget): 25%
  • Target: Non-devs + All level devs
  • Concept: Putting up Bounties for completing different tasks that we put out, with a 1-4 difficulty rating system for each task/bounty; the bounty will increase or decrease in value according to the difficulty:
    • 1 = Non-devs
    • 2 = Low Level Dev
    • 3 = Mid Level Dev
    • 4 = High Level Dev
  • Submission: All bounties will be posted on hxro.com as well as in the SuperTeamDAO’s Bounties board for visibility and exposure

dAPP program

  • Main Goal:
    • Encourage high-tier teams to integrate Hxro Network protocols and build our credibility
  • Allocation % (of total grant budget): 50%
  • Target: Mid-to-High level Devs & Teams (NFT Collections, Data Visualizers, Games, DeFi Protocols)
  • Concept: Having an onboarding program to incentivize major builders to build for/integrate our Protocols in user-ready dAPPs
  • Submission: Outreach and private conversions with these individuals and/or teams to build on top-of/with Hxro

Projected allocation breakdown:

1,250,000 HXRO (25%) - #ProofOfHxro grants*
1,250,000 HXRO (25%) - Bounty program*
** 2,500,000 HXRO (50%) - dAPP program*

We look forward to hearing feedback from the community on this proposal.

(X, X)


Can you give an example of the type of tasks that would be given for the bounty program?

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Sure, an example could be a Bounty for a Bug or a Fix in one of our open-source repos, translating our docs into other languages, creating a product that connects a Hxro Network primitive with another protocol/product, and so on… The main goal of the Bounty Program is to incentivize/bootstrap community contributions that are positive-sum to the Network!

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I think such programs should pay in usdc at least in this early state when the token is not very liquid. There is a fine line between throwing esHXRO st every problem and making hxro worth something.

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The issue is sourcing that USDC before revenue numbers start taking off, I think it makes sense to reward esHXRO at this point to kickstart that revenue. Since the value accrual of HXRO based on revenue is so strong, those given esHXRO are likely to become long term holders pending elevated revenue.


Overall I believe in the thesis that developer incentives are the most important starting grants. This is the missing piece in activating the HXRO flywheel (more devs → more products → users → network volume → revenue → rewards → buyers → devs)


I have yet to meet an actual dev who wants to work for tokens only. Especially illiquid ones. If the project cant pay a few k here and there maybe it should just shut down. If you see the one grant proposal that has been made already he is as expected requesting.

If you want actual things being built you need to pay up. The ideas that if people are paid in iliquid locked up tokens they will work harder is just pure fantasy…

The project raised 34m. This shouldn’t be an issue.

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Appreciate the discourse on this @0xnor @SmeetyBoop . On a case by case basis, it certainly isn’t out of the question to award in one or the other, or both. But, as with any grant awarded, would depend on scope and other factors. One of the goals of the program is to create longer-term alignment with the network. For example, a team that wants to build a dex app on top of the network may benefit from a HXRO award as they would then use it for staking or for future incentives that would increase their app USDC revenue.

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Dan, I would like to submit my DAPP proposal for the DAPP grant - I will be in a position to bootstrap my business concept in three months time and are happy to build on the Solana Network having minted 18B tokens already. Where can I send my submission to get the ball rolling? Rocket